Yesterday I introduced Quantum Physics and a few of its theories. In today’s blog I will continue and complete that conversation.
In 1964, a physicist named John Bell developed a theory that proved out an experiment developed in 1935 by Einstein, Pedolsky, & Rosen (known as the EPR (the first initial of each scientist’s last name) experiment). The EPR experiment was actually thought up in an effort to defeat quantum physics and show how ludicrous it was by poking a hole in the idea of non-locality. Bell’s theorem proved that the idea of something being local (or, existing in one place) was incorrect. What his theorem stated was that everything is non-local. In effect, particles may be linked, or entangled, on some level that is “beyond time and space.”
That idea is a bit difficult for us to wrap our minds around. Everything we’ve known has been related to time and space. Now, to know that these most basic features of the world in which we live are somehow superceded in the quantum world by the notion of everything touching all the time, seems pretty far out! It also flies in the face of our world’s philosophical view that we are separate from each other and everything else.
Niels Bohr, a frontrunner of the quantum physics study, and his colleagues in Copenhagen developed the Copenhagen Interpretation of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. If you remember from yesterday, the Uncertainty Principle states that velocity and location cannot be measured at the same time – only one or the other may be known. The Copenhagen Interpretation went on to say that it wasn’t only that they couldn’t be measured but that “it” (an object/particle) wasn’t even an “it” until it’s an observed “it.” Bohr believed that particles themselves don’t even come into existence until we observe them, and that reality on a quantum level does not exist until it is observed or measured!
The foundations of Quantum mechanics suggest that the conscious act of observation is the key factor in the formation of reality. This provides the actions of the observer as being able to collapse several possibilities into one reality. According to Princeton’s Nobel Prize-winning physicist, John Wheeler, “Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there’ independent of us, that view can no longer by upheld.” In Wheeler’s words, we are not simply “bystanders on a cosmic stage, [but] shapers and creators living in a participatory universe.”
So, looking at the information presented today along with that presented yesterday, we can review our findings to understand how it is that quantum physics affects the Law of Attraction. Obviously, part of the Law of Attraction is born out by the above paragraph which tells us that we are “shapers and creators living in a participatory universe.” But, we also find something else that is an interesting phenomenon. Remember early on in the month that I wrote that the Law of Attraction was really made up of 4, already known, laws rolled into this one (e.g. Law of Faith, Law of Giving & Receiving, Law of Sowing & Reaping, & Karma)? Well, quantum theory suggests that instead of the dualistic model of karma which is: “I am mean to you, so now others will be mean to me,” everything is entangled and we are creating our own realities. So, the action or thought (which amount to the same “thing”) arises in a piece of my consciousness. There is a certain frequency, or vibration, associated with that thought. And, by taking action, I endorse that reality so that I am now connected to the universe by that frequency (or vibration). Therefore, everything “out there,” that is of the same frequency as my thought & action, will respond to the frequency of my thought and then be reflected in my reality! Wow!
You can see how by the study of Quantum Physics we may be one day able to absolutely prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that there is a divine creator of this universe and that faith is as physical of a law as is gravity. The theories developed are already pointing to both of these things. As technology increases, and we are able to view smaller and smaller particles and other things that we currently cannot see, we may be able to emphatically prove both of the above suppositions.
Blogging inspirational thoughts, insights, and strategies for living your best life possible. We all have within us the ability to be great. But, our greatness is only manifested through our actions. I believe that we are all created perfect and complete exactly as we are. However, we experience blockages to our perfection - - and these blockages can be transformed by subtle shifts in our thinking, thus transforming our ways of being, our health, our actions, and our reactions.
30 July, 2009
Quantum Mechanics – Part II
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